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Donors Make a Difference

Thank you to the following individuals, corporations and foundations that have supported the Greenville Zoo. Donors listed have made gifts between November 2022 and October 2023. 

Gifts $100 and Above

Aloft Hotels

Kristen Anthony

Jason Armistead

Linda Bateman

Erin Baysinger

Randy Beaty, Jr.

Connie Beauchamp

Kris Belanger

Jenna A. Bennett

Steven & Susan Bichel

Marcelyn J. Boulton

Connie Bowblis – In Memory of Christopher Hulsizer

Luca Bridgeman

Benjamin Brock

Gaile Broom – In Memory of Neil Snyder

Cori Burnett

Monica & Sean Callahan

Claire Campbell

Nikki Carter

Phyllis Cashion – In Honor of Wyatt & Everly Gray

Sam Cely (Cely Construction Company) – In Memory of Charles Cely 

Scott Christopher

Clemson University

Jessica Cooper

Jim & Janice Cordes

Andy Cox

Joscelyn Cox – In Honor 

 of Charles Towns Center 

 Activism Project

Dr. Elizabeth Cull

Heather Cygan

Andrea Danforth

David R. Price, JR. PA

Charles Davis

Gail Depriest

David Derrick

Madison Dickens

Mike DiTommaso

Ed & Loretta Divine

Steve & Wendy Dolven

Steve & Dorothy Dowe

Keith & Tara Eaker

John & Ashley Edds

Steve & Lee Farrar – In Honor of
Lynn Waters

James Fertitta – In Memory of James & Thelma Fertitta

Jordan Finn

Jake & Theresa Fischer

Laura Fischman

Sue Fisher

George Fletcher

Fox Rothschild, LLP.

J. Francis Builders

Elizabeth Lisa Free

Frank Friedman – In Honor 

 of the Zoo’s Giraffes

Kin Fung

Pam Gibson

Lori Gioia

Bradley Gleich

Jean & Richard Greer

Norm Haberl

Ginna Hall

Hugh Hamilton, Jr.

David & Anne Hammond

Lee & Suzanne Hardin

Adam Hart

Ashley Hartwell

Amanda Heafy

Emory & Martha Hendrix

Austin Todd Hester

Walter Hinton

Sheryl White Hobbs

Deborah Hoffman

Megan & Clifford Holekamp

Valerie Hollinger

John Humineck

Angela Hutcheson

Long & Anna Huynh-Duc

John & Charlotte Ihme

Arline Ingraham

Patricia Ivester

Dr. Paul Jackson

Anthony Johnson Family

David Johnson

Gail Ann & Sam Johnston

Lynne Jones

Johnny Kay

Phyllis Keeney 

Shea Kim

Monica Kirsch

Yoshi Kirsch

Laura Kozlarek

Dave Kral

Lisa & Peter Larocque

David & Allison Lazarus

Roger Liska

The Little Gym of Greenville

Erin Londenburg

Dr. Peter Longstreet

Jorge & Jennifer Lopez

Nancy M. Henderson

Kristen Mabry

Sally Marsh

Grover & Tonya Martin

Jean G. Martin

Steven Martin

Robert & Margaret Massing

Britt Matthews

Stephen & Carlene Mauch

Ronald Maugeri

Catherine McCracken

John McDonough

Marie McIntyre

Monte McKinney

Stephanie McTagart

Judith Menuey

Terry Meyers

Mill Town Family Dentistry

Elinor & John Mioduski

Larry Moerke

David Moore – In Memory of Maddie

Donna Moore

Platt & Ashley Moore

Stephan Moore

Virginia Moran

Jacob Morella

Eric Morris

John & Suzanne Moseley

Michael & Beth Mount

Marie Murdaugh

Ko Nakamura

Blake & Lindsay Nickles

Oasis Animal Hospital

Kenneth & Cheryl O’Malley

Ryan Owens

Luke Oyer

Diane Patterson

Ed & Mary Payne

Dr. Cary Pellizzeri

Nancy Phillips

Greg & Cindy Pickett

Jacob Pickett

Pinnacle Bank

Carol Powell – In Memory of John Joseph Thomas

Kelly Powell

ProSource Plumbing Supply

Alex Quintero & Kristen Farrar

Patricia Randall

Maurice Reed

Helen Reetz

Dawn Reider

Bryan Riddick

Hal Roach

Carol & Pete Roberts

Katrina Daniel &  Michael Rosen

Jean Runnels

TJ Saad

Saad & Manios, LLC

Tracy Salak

Chelsea Salas

Jason & Tiffany Salvaggio

Melanie Samples

Susan & Jeff Sartain – In Honor of Pat Grills

Taryn & Adam Scher

Steven Schindler

Robert & Phyllis Schrage

Ann Sharp – In Memory of Lizette Martin

Edwin Shock

Ken Siegel

Daniel Sigel

Robert & Julia Simmons

Danae Sischo

Heather Smith

Jason Smith

Raymond Smith

Lauren Snipes

Dana Snyder

Stansell Agency, LLC

Joshua Stanton

Caitlin Steelman

Jeff & Debra Stoeber

Heather Sudduth

Lauri Sybel

Abigale Taylor

Sofia Thawait

Camaron Thomas

Ann Thompson

Tripp Thompson

Vanesa T. Thompson

Joanne Toliver – In Honor of Autumn

Mary Torkelson – In Memory of Jim Burnside

Stan & Kelly Tzouvelekas

Keith & Stacey Vallely

VLS Environmental 


Don & Zelma Waggoner 


Paulina Wagner

Lora Wallender

Edward & Linda Walsh

Jake Wanner

Lynn Waters

Raymond A. Wedlake

David Wentzky

Heather Wheless

Danny & Sallie White

James S. Whitten – In Memory of Beverly & Don Miller

Randall D. Wilhoit

Dennis Winkleman

Charles Wofford

Sako P. Zadoian

Ellen Zalatoris

GIFTS up to $99

Dawn B Anderson

Steve and Susan Arkin

Randolph and Allen Armstrong

Patty Beaver

Carolyn A. Brice

Joseph and Patricia Briganti

Marianne Brock

Emily Bugay

Cara Carne

Sharon Cherry

Andrea Christy

Sharon L Clark

Jenny Cobbs

Richard and Mary Delap

Donald Demille

Jessica Doherty

Renee Dover

Angela Doyle-Chapman

Nathan Einstein

Katie Fallis

Leslie Fatum

Sally Foister

John Freeman

Mr. Donald Gilliland

Arthur Griffin

Jeannie Haney

Elizabeth Harmon

Carole Harris

Randi S Harris

Lisa Heape

Ella Heegard

JoAnn Hein

Anna Hejmanowski

James Holcomb

Louise Hope

Louise Hope

Deborah Horton

David Jordan

Heidi Karaczewski

Lorna King

Donald and Linda Kirkland

Monika and Yoshi (Hans) Kirsch

Joann Kittave

John M Knottek

Mary La Fleur

Michelle La Fleur

Jean Lambert

Brian Livingston

Harry Marshall

Connie Martin

Jacque Martin-Downs

Brian May

Roberta Mayerson

Jennifer McNeese

William and Deb Mebane

Audrey Meunier

Samuel Oates

Liesl Okuda

Bettyann O'neill

Deborah Owensby Minnick

Ms. Jane A Parker

Linda Pelander

William Pelander

Angela Quin

Anita Ruiz

Eric Schaub

Andrea Schechter

Beth Schmelzer

Beverly Sexton

Ellie Sharp

Kay Silver

Susan Silverman

Roy Simmons

Ron Sims

Conor Sloan

Deborah Smith

Spencer Smith

Teresa Soultanian

Lane Staggs

Kavita Stanley

Kelly Taylor

Vicki Thames

Alicia Mann Ward

John Welborn

Robert Werth

Loralee Wilferth

Jan Willis

Gretchen Wilson

Sue Wilson

Adopt-an-Animal DONORS

TJ Saad

Teresa Perrell

Naylor Underwood

Rhonda Leonard

Erin Mason

Matthew Marc Boykin

Cameron Dickerson

Denise Sansoucy

Caroline Inman

Cara Cartee

Phyllis Keeney

Tracy Salak

Charlotte Pyles

Celia Ridley

gerard burns

James Hunter

Emma Hurst;

Ashley Cogdill

Bennett Sturgill

Vanessa Jost

Amy Gutzmer

Lauren Chasteen

Carla Ann Gleaton

Cole McNair

Emma and Eli Lashley

Ann Marie Patterson

Ashleigh Greenway

Edward Cluett

Katrina Vollmer

Mandy Ohler

Aharon Payne

Sean Robert Russell

Richard A. Lyons

Carolyn Hubbard

David Johnson

Malinda Drawdy

Ellie Mioduski

The Greenville Zoo Foundation is a non-profit organization that serves as an independent community outreach group, whose purpose is to provide financial, resource and advocacy support for the needs of the Greenville Zoo.

As a 501(c)3 organization, the Greenville Zoo Foundation’s efforts assist the Zoo in completing its mission to service the Upstate of South Carolina by promoting an appreciation of nature and wildlife while providing innovative programs for education and conservation. (EIN: 57-0654589)

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Greenville, SC 29601

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